Category: Podcast
Request2021 Podcast Ep.45
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FINAL EPISODE 45 – Project Legacy

Episode 45 – the very final episode – of the REQUEST2021 Podcast. I couldn’t think of a more fitting way to represent the legacy of the project by including my recent visit to the Downs Primary School. It includes me sharing the story of REQUEST2021 with the year 6 class there as part of their work on Shackleton and Antarctica.
00:00 Theme Music – “Antarctica”
00:45 Welcome Message
01:29 Driving into Deal, Kent to visit Downs Primary School
04:03 Arriving at Downs Primary School / First part of presentation to Year 6
11:33 Presentation to Year 6 (Cont.) – Downs Primary School
28:33 Last part of presentation to Year 6 – Downs Primary School
01:02:12 Leaving Downs Primary School
01:03:01 Closing Message
01:04:36 Theme Music – “Antarctica”
01:05:21 END
ReQuest2021 Podcast Ep.44
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REQUEST2021 PODCAST – EPISODE 44 – The Final Voyage
This is the penultimate episode of the REQUEST2021 podcast. This includes the team of 12 leaders and explorers and their weekend experience on the Johanna Lucretia tall ship at Plymouth. It also includes excerpts from the last two Shackleton Scouts’ Own ceremonies at Plymouth Millbay Docks and Portsmouth Gunwharf Quays.
BONUS CONTENT: If you listen on there is also some bonus content including our team intro chat with superpowers, a background recording of my interview on Radio Devon plus longer versions of the Shackleton Scouts’ Own ceremonies.
NOTE: Some of the sound quality was poor because of background noise. Every effort has been made to improve it where possible so it can be included it as an important historical record.

0:00 Theme Music – “Antarctica”
00:45 Welcome Message
02:15 Alan at Millbay Docks, Plymouth
03:28 Brief excerpt from the Shackleton Scouts’ Own, Millbay Docks, Plymouth
04:41 Walking up to Johanna Lucretia tall ship (Note: Poor sound quality)
05:37 Boarding the Johanna Lucretia
16:27 Short extract from team intro chat about superpowers and learning names
17:16 Setting off for an evening walk along the shoreside
19:14 On the end of the pier
20:51 Waking up to music on board (Saturday)
22:29 Scrubbing the decks
28:25 Alan reflecting on the day
29:45 Waking up to music on board (Sunday)
31:08 Alan’s thoughts at the beginning of the final day of the REQUEST2021 project
33:27 Arriving in Portsmouth, Gunwharf Quays
36:04 Brief excerpt from the Shackleton Scouts’ Own, Portsmouth, Gunwharf Quays
37:23 Alan’s final REQUEST2021 project speech
52:52 Closing Message
53:27 Theme Music – “Antarctica”
54:12 END
54:12 Longer version ofteam intro chat about superpowers and learning names
1:14:56 Background recording of Alan’s BBC Radio Devon interview
1:20:05 Longer version of Shackleton Scouts’ Own, Millbay Docks, Plymouth
1:38:50 Longer version of Shackleton Scouts’ Own, Portsmouth, Gunwharf Quays01:53:21 FINISH
ReQuest2021 Podcast Ep.43
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REQUEST2021 PODCAST – EPISODE 43 – Scotland – Fordell Firs
Alan, Alex and Matt from the REQUEST2021 team plus Sam’s parents (Gwyneth and Alan Payne), Alex’s mum (Alison Maciver) along with Chief Commissioner of Scotland – Andrew Sharkie and a number of other Scottish Scouting representatives, friends and members representing the 1st Aberdeen Scout Group held our Shackleton Scouts’ Own and an award presentation at Fordell Firs, the Scottish Scout HQ on Sunday 11th September 2022. Our third and final commemorative plaque was unveiled by Norman Mooney’s son Alec. The proceedings included a one-minute silence for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and a short break to watch her funeral cortege pass under a bridge on the M90. Afterwhich the team members gave a short presentation about the REQUEST2021 project.
The full Scouts’ Own service and full team presentation have been included afterwards as bonus content.

0:00 Theme Music – “Antarctica”
00:45 Welcome Message
02:23 Alan on an early morning walk Sunday 11th September 2022 contemplating the day ahead
06:13 Fordell Firs – Shackleton Scouts’ Own, Award Ceremony and Plaque Unveiling
38:11 Cortege of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II passing under a bridge on the M90
43:18 Short clips from Alan, Matt & Alex’s REQUEST2021 presentations including BBC Countryfile clip
49:43 END
49:43 Full Shackleton Scouts’ Own Ceremony
01:07:02 Full version of Alan, Matt & Alex’s REQUEST2021 presentations
01:52:27 FINISH
ReQuest2021 Podcast Ep.42
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3rd November 2022 – Team Reflections
When we arrived at our hotel in Buenos Aries, despite being very tired indeed I persuaded the team to be recorded and share their feelings fresh from the voyage. What were our expedition highlights and what did we all feel the legacy of our project should be?

00:00 Theme Music – “Antarctica”
00:45 Welcome Message
01:46 Alan & Helen setting up the interview questions (Hotel NH Lancaster foyer)
04:37 Q1: “How are you feeling immediately after the voyage?”
11:42 Q2: “What were your top 3 highlights?”
31:23 Q3: “What do you think the legacy of our project should be?”
41:33 END
ReQuest2021 Podcast Ep.41
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30th October 2022 – Buenos Aires
The final days of the expedition gave us time to explore the incredible city of Buenos Aries – including a visit to the Casa Rosada, Eva Peron’s tomb in the Recoleta cemetery, a Tango evening and a boat tour of the Tigre Delta. Yet again I recorded many hours of sound files and I have edited these down to about an hour just to give a sense of what it was like. Where possible I have tried to reduce any background noise. This is followed by my REQUEST interview with Andrew Creighton another one of our fellow Bark Europa crew members.

00:00 Theme Music – “Antarctica”
00:45 Welcome Message
01:42 Arriving at NH Lancaster Hotel, Buenos Aries, Fri 21st Jan 2022
13:12 Alan Searching for the Team
20:07 Team Chatting Over Fast Food Dinner
24:29 Signature Tour of Buenos Aries – Obelisco, Sat 22nd Jan 2022
26:47 Signature Tour – City Architecture
27:46 Signature Tour – Casa Rosada
30:43 Signature Tour – Tango Music
32:27 Tango Evening
35:23 Tigre Delta Tour, Sun 23rd Jan 2022
39:26 Church Service – San Isidro Cathedral
40:55 Leaving the NH Lancaster Hotel, Buenos Aries, Mon 24th Jan 2022
45:31 Bus to Buenos Aries International Airport
55:08 At Buenos Aries International Airport
58:28 REQUEST Interview with Andrew Creighton.
01:06:56 END
ReQuest2021 Podcast Ep.40
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REQUEST2021 PODCAST – 25th October 2022 – USHUAIA
After returning from the voyage to Antarctica we had one last day in Ushuaia and we all took the opportunity to get out into the National Park for a spot of hiking and sightseeing. I recorded nearly 6 hours of sound files in one day and I have spent a good while editing this down to an hour and a half to capture the essence of our Ushuaia experience. This is followed by the REQUEST interview with Pepijn Gramberg one of our fellow crew members.

00:00 Theme Music – “Antarctica”
00:45 Welcome Message
02:10 Setting Off On The Ushuaia National Park Tour
25:21 Team Chat – Ushuaia National Park
26:54 On Hiking Trail – Ushuaia National Park
45:49 End Of World Post Office
50:02 Further Exploring – Ushuaia National Park
1:18:34 Lake Sound – Ushuaia National Park
1:19:10 Returning On Bus From Ushuaia National Park
1:19:45 Alan Packing To Leave Ushuaia
1:22:04 Leaving Ushuaia
01:24:16 REQUEST Interview with Pepijn Gramberg.
01:34:31 END
ReQuest2021 Podcast Ep.39
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Tuesday 16th August 2022 – VOYAGE SUMMARY / SARAH
Our expedition leader Sarah Gerats gives a summary overview of the whole voyage. This is followed by a fascinating REQUEST interview with Sarah sharing her incredible experiences of the polar regions.

00:00 Theme Music – “Antarctica”
00:45 Welcome Message
01:41 Sarah’s summary overview of the whole voyage.
21:01 REQUEST Interview with Sarah Gerats.
45:43 END
ReQuest2021 Podcast Ep.38
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Monday 15th August 2022 – VOYAGE END / ERIK / MATTHEW
We made such good progress with fair winds back across the Drake Passage that we gained an extra day. This meant we could spend a day at Harberton, Tierra Del Fuego to visit a museum of marine mammal bones. They have thousands of bone specimens from whales, dolphins, seals, penguins, etc., including extremely rare beaked whale skeletons. Afterwards we also had a wonderful group BBQ on the shore. This episode also includes REQUEST interviews with fellow passengers Erik Kleine from Holland and Matthew Short from the USA.
BONUS CONTENT: Team Chat at Dorian Bay and Stepping Off Europa For The Last Time.

00:00 Theme Music – “Antarctica”
00:45 Welcome Message
01:56 Landing At Harberton
02:35 Exploring Harberton and the Marine Bones Museum
51:47 Packing in cabin 6 (Ushuaia Harbour) 19th January 2022
54:03 Repacking in cabin 6 (Ushuaia Harbour) 20th January 2022
55:15 REQUEST Interview With Erik Kleine
01:01:53 REQUEST Interview With Matthew Short
01:11:39 Closing Message
01:12:59 END
01:13:00 Team Chat at Dorian Bay
01:28:31 Stepping Off Europa For The Last Time
ReQuest2021 Podcast Ep.37
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EPISODE 37 – Thursday 30th June 2022 – SECOND DRAKE & SECOND ARGO

Our return journey on across the Drake Passage with our final Argo launch along the way. The REQUEST interview with Aske Jensen from the permanent crew. Plus, BONUS content including Axel & Alan’s First Iceberg Cruise; the Fram Cruise Ship Passing; Genevieve discussing the BAS kit and a team Nansen Net Deployment.
00:00 Theme Music – “Antarctica”
00:45 Welcome Message
01:49 Alan Describing Being Back On The Drake
03:20 14th January – Under Motor
04:30 3.30am Watch
08:04 Sun 16th Jan – Discussing 2nd Argo
09:02 Preparing & Deploying 2nd Argo
28:20 Under Full Sail
29:51 A Windy Night!
30:49 17th January Just Before Breakfast
31:36 On Lookout Duty
32:06 On Afternoon Watch – Tanker Nearby
32:58 In The Middle Of The Drake
33:56 Final 4am Watch Entering The Beagle Channel
35:04 REQUEST Interview With Aske Jensen
41:48 Closing Message
43:09 END
43:42 Axel & Alan’s First Iceberg Cruise
01:00:56 A Recording Under The Ice
01:01:26 Alan’s Reflections on First Iceberg Cruise
01:03:06 Return From First Iceberg Cruise
01:07:51 Fram Cruise Ship Passing
01:08:12 Genevieve Discussing The BAS Kit
01:10:05 A team Nansen Net Deployment
A moment in Antarctica
Hear that rumbling
The rumbling of glacial ice
Gentoo penguins leaping through the water
And there’s a magic
Deep in the ice there’s a tall ship
Three masts
A Dutch barque
And as the water laps up onto the shingle
It is almost as if the rocks are talking to me
Ah, there’s a seal coming right at me
See if I can film it
This just doesn’t happen
Here he is
There he is
The blow of the seal
(A.S. Noake, 13th January 2022)