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The Quest leaves San Miguel, Azores
One hundred years ago today (5th Sep 1922) Quest left San Miguel in the Azores and we are delighted to report that the Scouts of San Miguel (CNE Agrupamento 1197) have held our Shackleton Scouts’ Own in Portuguese to mark the occasion. #ReQuest2021 @Kentscouts
We are so grateful to Marco Cidade for arranging the ceremony for the project.


Cape Town – Shackleton Scouts’ Own
Thrilled that to commemorate the Quest leaving Cape Town on 13th July 1922 the South Cape Scouts have held our REQUEST2021 Shackleton Scout’s Own service 100 later. The Quest had been in Cape Town since Sunday 18th June 1922. A huge thanks to all the Scouts taking part and a Shackleton The Penguin badge is on the way to them!
TRANSCRIPT FROM CAPE TIMES 20th June 1922 – PATROL LEADER MARR: “A Welcome From Local Scouts. Some 52 Green and Sea Point Scouts tramped down to the Docks on Sunday morning to welcome Patrol Leader Marr to South Africa, and their disappointment may be imagined when they saw the Quest putting out to sea again. However a generous friend (who it is believed was Mr Kenneth Pritchard) came forward and told them all to jump into the motor pleasure boats and he would “stand the racket.” A fine seven miles stern chase after the Quest was the result, and when alongside shouts were given for Marr, who came to the side of the boat and acknowledged the cheers given on his behalf. The little jaunt was thoroughly enjoyed by all, and it was a thrilling sight to see the famous boat rolling in the swell. Needless to say, the Scouts thoroughly appreciated Mr. Pritchard’s kind action, and thanked him in characteristic Scout style on reaching shore.”

AN EXTRACT FROM SCOUT MARR’S ‘INTO THE FROZEN SOUTH’ (CHAPTER XIX – ASAIL FOR HOME): “Wherever I personally went the Scouts were kindness itself to me, and my great regret was that I had not sufficient time wherein to see as much of them as I could have wished. For I owed my great adventure to the fact that I was a Scout, and gratitude to the organization that gave me my chance must always be uppermost in my heart. It would be utterly impossible for me to write of the many distinguished, generous people we had the honour to meet, of the countless functions we attended or of the impressive, interesting sights we saw. What with lunches, dinners, dances, motor drives and the like, Jack was ashore with a vengeance and thoroughly enjoying himself; whilst, considering the people—thousands of them, literally—whom we had to conduct over the ship, it is a marvel to me how we managed to get a full day into every twenty-four hours. Every day was a red-letter day on its own account; and I must always remember our stay as a truly wonderful month.”
AN EXTRACT FROM FRANK WILD’S ‘SHACKLETON’S FINAL VOYAGE’ (CHAPTER XIV – CAPE TOWN): “Much repair work and general overhauling was necessary on the Quest. I had it put in hand at once. The engines, which under the careful nursing of Kerr, Smith and their staff had withstood the hard conditions remarkably well, now required an overhaul before we could again put to sea. The rigging was reset up and all necessary repairs completed. The ship received a new coating of paint, which completely transformed her battered appearance and made her once more a smart-looking little vessel. Fresh stores were taken aboard, and, the work completed, we left next day for the naval dockyard at Simonstown. Several of our friends made the trip with us, including a number of Boy Scouts who had been assisting aboard the ship, but the Quest, reverting quickly to her old antics, made them wish they had stayed ashore.”