Category: Commemorative Plaque
Fordell Firs Ceremony
On Sunday 11th Sep 2022, against the backdrop of the Queen’s cortège passing through Scotland, a respectful Shackleton Scouts’ Own service was held by the REQUEST2021 project at Fordell Firs Campsite, Scotland. (The Scottish home of Scouting).
There was a one-minute silence in honour of Her Majesty The Queen.
ICEBERG Awards, badges and certificates were presented to Alex Maciver and Sam Payne (represented by his parents).
The third and final commemorative plaque to Scouts Marr & Mooney was officially unveiled by Alec Mooney (Norman Mooney’s son) who gave a fitting speech to mark this historic but somber occasion.
Alan Noake presented Andrew Sharkey (Chief Commissioner of Scotland) with an interpretation panel for the plaque.
After the ceremony Alan, Alex & Matt gave a presentation about their REQUEST2021 Antarctica Voyage experiences.
[SHORT VERSION – with Shackleton Scout’s Own removed]
ReQuest2021 Podcast Ep. 24
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EPISODE 24 – Fri 1st October 2021 – A quick review of our September events, a message from Tom Boeckx commander of HMS Protector (and a Group Scout Leader in Thanet) who is currently heading down to Antarctica and the ReQuest interview with author Brad Borkan recorded back in 2020. At the time of the interview, he was promoting his book ‘When Your Life Depends on It – Extreme Decision Making Lessons from the Antarctic’ co-authored with David Hirzel and most recently they have also produced ‘Audacious Goals, Remarkable Results: How an Explorer, an Engineer and a Statesman shaped our Modern World.’

A podcast documenting the Kent Scouts #ReQuest2021 Research Project all the way to Antarctica and back again! Interviews, Scouting historical links, events and research project work recorded along the way. Part of Alan Noake’s Antarctic Soundscapes project.
Show Notes

When Your Life Depends on It – Extreme Decision Making Lessons from the Antarctic – Paperback by Brad Borkan and David Hirzel.
When Your Life Depends on It – Extreme Decision Making Lessons from the Antarctic – Audiobook

Audacious Goals, Remarkable Results: How an Explorer, an Engineer and a Statesman shaped our Modern World. By Brad Borkan and David Hirzel.
Gilwell Plaque Unveiling Ceremony
Some great photos of our plaque and interpretation panel unveiling ceremony at Gilwell last Sunday taken by National Media Team.
Outside (On the green by the bust of Baden Powell)
11am – 11.30am
• Alan Noake – Welcome Message
• Tony Harvey – Flag Provenance
• ReQuest2021 Team – Scouts’ Own Ceremony for Shackleton and Shackleton’s Scouts
• Official Plaque / Interpretation Panel Unveiling
• Mark Brooks – Plaque Concept (Artisan Memorials)
• Alec Mooney
• The Honourable Alexandra Shackleton
• Official Photographs
Inside (Swan Centre)
11.30am – 1pm
11.30am Soft Drinks Reception
12pm Alan Noake – Project Update Presentation
1pm Alan Noake – Closing Words
Commemorative Plaques
A huge thanks to Mark Brooks from Artisan Memorials for helping us towards one of our 10 project objectives yesterday: #4 To unveil an expedition plaque dedicated to Marr & Mooney both at Gilwell Park in Scout HQ in England and Fordell Firs Scout HQ in Scotland. (Heritage)
The plaque has now been installed in pride of place at Gilwell ready for an official unveiling ceremony at Gilwell on 5th September 2021.

Highlights tour of our interactive museum with sound commentary
An online interactive virtual reality exhibition to promote the Kent Scouts #REQUEST2021 Antarctic Research Project and the legacy of two Scouts – James William Slesser Marr and Norman Erland Mooney – who sailed with Shackleton on the original 1921 Quest Expedition.

Once the exhibition has fully loaded press the play button for the highlights tour with voice commentary.
Not got much time?
Below is a simple video version with sound commentary of the highlights tour of our #ReQuest2021 Exhibition…
Visit our Fundraising Ladder for different ways to follow and support the project including our infamous Penguin Badges, Antarctic Top Trumps, Social Media pages and lots more…
ReQuest2021 Podcast Ep.6
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EPISODE 6 – Wednesday 1st April 2020 – Chinstrap penguins and climate change, More from Alan’s presentation to Medway Towns Scout Active Support and Interview with Cathy Mummery
A podcast documenting the Kent Scouts #ReQuest2021 Research Project all the way to Antarctica and back again! Interviews, Scouting historical links, events and research project work recorded along the way. Part of Alan Noake’s Antarctic Soundscapes project.

Show Notes
Darcey’s Loo Roll Penguin Craft Project video…
CBS Newstory about Chinstrap penguins and climate change…
Medway Active Support Team…
Cathy Mummery’s Sponsorship Link…
Photographs by Frank Hurley
Herbert Ponting Photos
Henry (Harry) McNish (1874-1930) – Biographical notes

(Photo: A.S. Noake)

(Photo: A.S. Noake)

– the house where James Marr was born.
(Photo: A.S. Noake)

(Photo: A.S. Noake)

(Photo: A.S. Noake)

(Photo: A.S. Noake)
Our Fundraising Ladder with lots of other ways you can follow and support the project….
An update on our two Commemorative Plaques!
Really excited to report that Mark Brooks from Canterbury (a member of the Lettering Arts Trust) has just sent us these photos of our two Caithness stone commemorative plaques in final production – he just has the world scout logo to finalise now. It may be a while before we can actually pick them up for real but great to see they are nearly done!

The larger one will be installed at Gilwell and officially unveiled on Sunday 5th September 2021. The smaller of the two will be coming with us to Antarctica and then on our return will be installed and officially unveiled at Fordell Firs the Scottish Scout HQ.

Thanks so much for sharing some really good news for the project during these tough times for our fundraising Mark Brooks!
The Caithness Stone has stone has just arrived from Scotland!

A visit today to lettering artist Mark Brooks from Canterbury. The Caithness Stone has just arrived from Scotland for the two plaques we are commissioning as part of the ReQuest2021 project commemorating James Marr and Norman Mooney, the two scouts who took part in Shackleton’s Quest Expedition to the Antarctic in 1921. It is a beautiful stone, ideal for inscriptional work and has outstanding weathering capabilities.

Both stones will have the same design but will be different in size. The larger one will be sited in an appropriate place at Scout HQ Gilwell Park, and the smaller one will accompany the ReQuest2021 team on the expedition to Antarctica in the Winter of 2021/22.

The plaques will be a celebration of the two scouts’ participation in the expedition. We did not feel the need for solemnity, so Mark has designed them with bold energetic letter forms. Lively ligatures and playful nesting of letters are used in order that the letters fit neatly into a rectangular block and with an even pattern. We want the stones to be as visually engaging as possible. The letters are tightly and efficiently packed into the stones’ dimensions in order to reduce the footprint. The larger stone will be an echo of its smaller cousin.