Entirely New Penguin Species Discovered in Antarctica!

Up to now zoologists have only been aware of 17 penguin species worldwide, previously only 7 have been found in Antarctica, 4 of these live and nest on and around the Antarctic continent and a further 3 live and nest on Antarctic and sub-Antarctic islands.
Well as of today there is now an entirely new 18th penguin species – the Lourolé penguin – making it the 8th type of penguin to be discovered on the Antarctic continent. Scientists visiting the extremely remote water closeted island of Toilette found the penguin completely by accident.
The Lourolé penguin is consistently cylindrical in shape and size however they can vary dramatically in colour and appearance. Since their discovery photos of them have started trending all over social media with the hash tag #ReQuest2021.
You can DONATE to help save this protected species here: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fund/request2021
Please share this post far and wide to spread the word around the globe about the Lourolé penguins and their plight!